Destroying the Hatchery  

Prerequisite: Valley of the Worms
Leads To: Mother of the Valley
Start Zone: North Downs
Start Area: Esteldin
Start Mob: Arastil
Cash Granted: 18s 90c
Quest Level: 33
Min Level: 31
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Locations with maps: Angmar | North Downs
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    Ram Duath


'Your success against the worms of Ram Dúath is a tribute to your courage and skill, but there is a greater threat lingering therein. Our scouts say that they have seen drakes as well. Though the winged drakes are still not as great as their forebears, they are formidable and intelligent.

'If we hope to use the western pass to gain entrance into Angmar beyond, the drakes will need to be driven out or destroyed. I have no doubt that there are drake-nests somewhere within the valley...destroy them before the drakes can multiply.

'I would warn you not to go alone. Drakes may be no more than intelligent beasts, but they are dangerous and will fiercely defend their nests.'


Not only are there worms within the western valley of Ram Dúath, but drakes as well. The winged drakes, more intelligent than their lesser kin, present a greater threat to Esteldín and the North Downs.


Objective 1

Use the Drake Eggs (6)

Drake-nests may be found in the western valley of Ram Duath, north of Esteldin. Destroy eggs found within the nests to stop the drakes' spread.

Objective 2

Return to Arastil

Arastil awaits your return in Esteldin. You found several drake-nests in the western Ram Duath and destroyed them, but worms were plentiful in the area, and the nests were well-defended.


The eggs take an obscene amount of time to respawn after someone destroys it, and the cold/rock worms do not