Instance: Sons of Leaf and Stone  

Series Name: Volume II, Book 7: Leaves of Lorien
Includes Quest: Chapter 3: Sons of Leaf and Stone
Start Zone: Lothlorien
Start Area: Nan Celebrant
Start Mob: Legolas (Cerin Amroth)
Flags: Solo, Epic
Quest Level: 60
Min Level: 56
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Locations with maps: Lothlorien
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    Telain Neduil


Sons of Leaf and Stone
"Though the memory be now dim, of old Elves and dwarves were close in friendship. Legolas of Mirkwood and Gimli the dwarf, through shared hardship, have rekindled the old bonds. Even now they look for Orcs to slay beneath the eaves of Lothlorien."


You have decided to walk through the woods of Lothlorien with Legolas and Gimli in search of Orc patrols.


Objective 1
Talk to Legolas
Legolas and Gimli are standing on one of the paths that runs through the woods of Lothlorien.

Legolas is waiting to travel with you through the woods of Lothlorien.

Objective 2
Protect Legolas and Gimli
Legolas and Gimli are standing on one of the paths that runs through the woods of Lothlorien.

Legolas is waiting to travel with you through the woods of Lothlorien.

Objective 3
Talk to Galadhrim Archer
You have come with Legolas and Gimli near the border of the wood, and have been hailed by one of the Galadhrim.

Objective 4
Follow Legolas and Gimli to the eaves of the wood
You have been told to follow Legolas and Gimli to the eaves of the wood to meet with a dwarf that has asked for you.

Objective 5
Talk to Bosi
Bosi is at the border of Lothlorien, attempting to get an audience with Celeborn.

Objective 6
Talk to Galadhrim Warden
The Galadhrim are waiting to hear what you have to say about Bosi's request.

Objective 7
Talk to Bosi
While blindfolded, Bosi has been led to Caras Galadhon within Lothlorien for his audience with Celeborn.

Objective 8
Watch over Bosi's audience with Celeborn
Bosi is having an audience with Celeborn of Lorien about sending Elves to assist the dwarves in Khazad-dum.

Objective 9
Talk to Galadriel
Galadriel is waiting to speak with you following the audience with Bosi.


This is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.

You will be attacked by three (3) waves of six (6) Orc Pursuers, they can easily be tanked and killed by Gimli & Legolas, so stand back and assist, make sure to AOE if you want some xp. Or at least shoot one at a time, but be quick about it, they won't last long with Legolas & Gimli.