Instance: Mazog  

Series Name: Volume II, Book 5: Drums in the Deep
Included in Quest: Chapter 3: Mazog
Start Zone: Nud-melek
Start Area: Zabadgathol
Start Mob: Bori (Leadership)
Flags: Solo, Epic
Quest Level: 59
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Locations with maps: Nud-melek | Nud-melek
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Bori is certain that with the power of the mithril axe Zigilburk along your help, he can defeat Mazog and end the threat of war.


  • Talk to Bori

Bori is by one approach to Zabadgathol.

Bori is waiting for you to accompany him to Zabadgathol.

  • Fight with Bori to the gates of Zabadgathol

The door to the fortress of Zabadgathol is ahead.

Bori wants you to knock on the fortress door to summon Mazog.

  1. Knock on the fortress door
  2. Talk to Bori
  3. Protect Bori

Bori awaits an answer to his challenge.

You should speak with Bori and defend him if the need arises.

  • Do as your told...

Bori has been frozen by some foul craft, and you are released to bring the grim tidings to the dwarves.

  • Talk to Sweina

Sweina has arrived on the outskirts.

You should talk to Sweina about the grim turn of events.


Yes, when it comes down to it you are going to tuck your tail between your legs and walk away, leaving Bori to his fate.