Rescue in Nurz Ghashu  

Series Name: Volume III, Book 1: Oath of the Rangers
Included in Quest: Rescue in Nurz Ghashu -- Daily
Start Zone: Angmar
Start Area: The Rift of Nurz Ghasu
Start Location: Norbar
Start Mob: Corunir (Skirmish)
Repeat Time: 1d
Flags: Fellowship, Repeatable, Small Fellowship, Skirmish, Raid
Quest Level: 65
Min Level: 65
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This quest involves a Skirmish that can be completed at Solo, Small Fellowship, or Fellowship group sizes by using the Skirmish Join Panel. This Skirmish has a minimum level of 65.

If this is your first Skirmish, you should visit one of the Skirmish Camps found throughout Middle-earth and speak with a Skirmish Captain to properly train. Skirmish Camps can be found in the following regions: Ered Luin, Bree-land, the Shire, the Lone-lands, the North Downs, the Trollshaws, Evendim, Forochel, Angmar, Eregion, Moria, and Lothlorien.

Rescue in Nurz Ghashu
"Taken by some madness, Golodir has ventured into the Rift. The air is thick with menace, and the stench of Thaurlach lingers..."


Golodir has ventured deep within Nurz Ghashu, and his close friend Corunir is desperate to save him.


Objective 1

  • Talk to Corunir
  • Corunir is waiting to speak with you outside Norbar within the depths of Nurz Ghashu.