Quests starting in The Comb and Wattle Inn

Chapter 3: Blackwolds Broken 15 Bree-land Combe 
Chapter 3: Journey to Combe 50 Bree-land Combe 
Chapter 4: Dark Designs 15 Bree-land Combe 
Finding Amdir 8 Bree-land Combe 
Gifts -- Wooden Carving 10 Bree-land Combe 
Horse-bedding 5 Bree-land Combe 
Instance: Blackwolds Broken 12 Bree-land Combe 

Quests involving The Comb and Wattle Inn

An Urgent Summons 8 Archet Archet 
Atli's Favourite 45 Thorin's Hall Thorin's Hall 
Chapter 3: Golodir's Request 50 Angmar Himbar