Guards of Lugazag  

Start Zone: Ettenmoors
Start Area: Tirith Rhaw
Start Mob: Sergeant-at-Arms Mibrethil
Flags: Raid, Fellowship, Repeatable
Items Rewarded:Cash Granted: 24s 85c
Quest Level: 50
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Locations with maps: Ettenmoors
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    Tirith Rhaw


'Greetings, friend (your race). I urge you to listen and consider my words, for this battle is one that shall assist in deciding the fate of all who are threatened by the shadow growing over Middle-earth. To the west of this tower there is a place of evil. Within the walls once held by the Men of Rhudaur, corruption seethes and grows.

'A host of the Enemy awaits an assault from the Free Peoples that must be levied with swiftness, strength and courage. The tower is called Lugazag, and I ask you to assist us in defeating the Enemy that guards the tower.

'You will likely need the assistance of others as they will fight to the death if need be. Find them and meet them, return to me when you have done as charged.


Lugazag, the western tower in the Ettenmoors, is defended by a host of Orcs, Uruks, and trolls.


Objective 1

Kill Orc, Troll and Uruk Guards at Lugazag

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