Unwelcome Strangers  

Prerequisite: Old Forestry
Leads To: Rollo and Doderic
Start Zone: Bree-land
Start Area: Buckland
Start Location: Newbury
Start Mob: Wilmac Brandybuck
Items Needed:Cash Granted: 1s 5c
Exp Granted: 555
Quest Level: 15
Min Level: 10
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Locations with maps: Bree-land
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    Wilmac Brandybuck


'Some man from around Bree came to Maggot's demanding food and got run off by the dogs, but as we -- Rollo, Doderc, and I -- crossed the bridge we were waylaid by Big Folk just like him on the bridge! They made us take everything from our waggon and put it on theirs, then they headed off east along the Great East Road; but not before giving a good licking to Mister Maggot's own waggon. Now look at her, all in tatters.

'I know I was lucky to get away with my hide, but...without that produce being delivered my hide will be worth nothing after Maggot get done with it. Doderic and Rollo ran off after the waggon and found the brigands' camp is between here and Adso's Camp on the north side of the road.

'I would appreciate it if you could get the produce back.'


Farmer Maggot's produce was stolen by brigands. His farmhand, son, and his son's friend escaped, but the produce meant for Buckland was taken away by the brigands.


Objective 1

  • Collect Farmer Maggot's produce
  • The brigands stockade is north of the road, between the Brandywine Bridge and Adso's camp. Wilmac Brandybuck awaits you inside the Hay Gate in Newbury, Buckland.

    Wilmac Brandybuck has asked you to retrieve Farmer Maggot's produce from the ruffians who accosted him.

    Objective 2
  • Deliver the produce to Wilmac Brandybuck
  • The brigands stockade is north of the road, between the Brandywine Bridge and Adso's camp. Wilmac Brandybuck awaits you inside the Hay Gate in Newbury, Buckland.

    Wilmac Brandybuck has asked you to retrieve Farmer Maggot's produce from the ruffians who accosted him.


    Right North of the Road, half way between the Brandywine Bridge and Adso's Camp (as the quest says) is a small camp. The Produce is in a small wagon outside the Camp. 29.1S, 59.4W