A Bit of White  

Series Name: Festival
Happens during Event: Spring Festival
Start Zone: Thorin's Hall
Start Area: Thorin's Hall
Start Location: Thorin's Hall Inn
Start Mob: Ale Association Tavern Keep
Quest Time: 1h
Repeat Time: 1d
Flags: Repeatable
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 900 The Ale Association
Reputation Decreased: -500 The Inn League
Quest Level: 25
Min Level: 21
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Locations with maps: The Shire | Evendim | Thorin's Hall
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    Harigar Mudbottom


'I've received a different sort of orders from Jonar, the head of this here society. He hates the Inn League so much that he has assigned me a rather different task than my Inn League neighbour there. Shh, he mustn't hear us!

'I heard my friend from the Inn League there mention a foolish fellow named Harigar Mudbottom, stuck in a pickle up in Oatbarton. He wishes to drink Blagrove's Brown because he has not yet completed the Inn League Challenge.

'I can think of something even better. A drink of a different colour will serve to amuse us: Whitebranch, from the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton. If you bring that to Harigar, he will continue his boasting, but everyone will know he never sampled Blagrove's Brown. They are as different as apples and potatoes.'


You have been tasked with delivering unpleasant things to Inn League Members in need of assistance, something only a terrible Class would do.


Objective 1

  • Collect fake Blagrove's Brown from The Ivy Bush in Hobbiton
  • The Ivy Bush is in Hobbiton in the Shire.

    You should speak with the tavern keep at The Ivy Bush and collect some Whitebranch. This will be used as a decoy Blagrove's Brown.

    Objective 2

  • Bring the fake Blagrove's Brown to Harigar Mudbottom in Oatbarton
  • Harigar Mudbottom is in Oatbarton, the northern-most town in the Shire.

    You should bring the fake Blagrove's Brown, secretly Whitebranch, to Harigar Mudbottom.