Instance: The Mithril Slaves  

Series Name: Moria
Included in Quest: The Mithril Slaves
Start Zone: Moria
Start Area: The Mithril-slaves
Start Mob: Mundgeirr
Repeat Time: 1d
Flags: Repeatable
Items Needed:Quest Level: 54
Min Level: 50
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Locations with maps: The Great Delving | Moria
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The Mithril Slaves
"Dwarves are not alone in their search for mithril. Orcs and goblins toil within the barren mines, seeking some small vein of Moria-silver to use against the Free Peoples, or at least to keep it aways from them...."


You were told of a long played-out mithril-mine within which an ancient smelting-forge lies. Within it, you should be able to lay the basis for the quality you seek. However, a vicious band of Orcs has enslaved their own goblin brethren to eke out the remining tailings from the mine, making it difficult to reach the forge.


Objective 1

  • Collect mithril ore-fragments (0/14)
  • Defeat Mine-overseer
  • You must find enough fragments of mithril ore to make proper use of the smelting-forge for the quality. Hopefully, the goblin-slaves have managed to collect enough of the ore for your needs...though they are unlikely to part with it willingly.

    Objective 2

  • Use the ancient anvil
  • Use the ancient forge and the mitrhil ore-fragments you have collected to empower your infused garnet.


    This is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.

    The Goblin Slave-miners are very aggro-attracted so you are almost certainly gonna get a lot of adds. Worry not, they are about as hard to kill as dark-wings. They can also drop the fragments.

    The Brutal Overseers roam, so beware! They also do NOT seem to drop any fragments.

    This is a straight dungeon-crawl. Just follow the tunnel and ramps, watch the paths and pull steadily. The Mine Overseer at the end stands in the way of the anvil. Use it once he is dead and you are done.

    ''I don’t remember no-one saying nothing about a new Elf-slave? Better kill it...'' --a goblin Mine-guard