Rangers of the North  

Start Zone: Evendim
Start Area: Bullroarer's Sward
Start Location: Oatbarton
Start Mob: Hal Gamgee
Cash Granted: 7s 42c
Exp Granted: 1498
Quest Level: 32
Min Level: 27
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Locations with maps: Evendim
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    Hal Gamgee
    Bullroarer's Sward


'Do you know what? I've had a conversation or two with those strange Big Folk, those Rangers, up on the moors. Queer folk, to be sure, but they always spare an ear for any news I might be willing to give 'em.

'They have a camp a good ways north, on an island off the shore of Lake Evendim they call Tinnudir. It seems that if you follow the road northwards across the Barandalf sand-marshes and across the Brandywine, you'll come to a crossroads. If you take the left fork -- that'll be the westward road -- you'll eventually come to Tinnudir.

'Or so this Calenglad fellow tells me. I've never been there myself. If you do find your feet taking you up that way, be sure to give him a "hullo" from me, Hal Gamgee!'


Hal Gamgee told you of a camp of Rangers on the island of Tinnudir, north of the Shire and beyond the Brandywine.


Objective 1

  • Speak to Calenglad in Tinnudir.
  • The Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir is north of Oatbarton along the road that runs through the Barandalf. Hal told you to follow the road north across the Brandywine until you reach a crossroads and then to follow the westward road until you reach Tinnudir.

    Hal Gamgee has mentioend the Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir in Lake Evendim and suggested that you to speak to the Ranger Calenglad.