
Slot: Food
Bind on Acquire
Consumed on Use
Cooldown: 10s
Duration: 20m

On Use:
261 Shadow Damage initially.
156 Shadow Damage every 2 seconds for 1,200 seconds.
Usage: eating this cheese is probably not a great idea.

"It's Barrow-bree! It's quite smelly and no doubt highly deadly. Only the unwise would eat it."

Worth: 1s 38c


You can win this item from the Lottery: A Taste of Bree and/or Lottery: Dad's Day and/or Paraskevidekatriaphobia of which you can enter at http://my.lotro.com/home/lottery.

This item starts and completes the deed:
The Unwise

Eating this cheese will kill you, there are only a very few exceptions.
High Morale/Vitality/Shadow Resist Players of 65.
High level Minstrels who can heal themselves for 20 minutes.
Players being healed by High level Minstrel's for 20 minutes.
If you are a player under the level of 20, and after the no death title & deeds, do not eat this cheese, if you want those titles & deeds.
It will kill you.

The Wary
The Undefeated
The Indomitable
The Unscathed
The Undying


Grants the title "The Unwise" when consuming this item.

Submitted by Rodsteel on the Meneldor server.

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