
Zone: Angmar
Type: Instanced Dungeon in Carn Dum
Level: 47 - 50
Location: 9.9N, 32.5W
Quests: Starting: 1, Involved: 17
Mobs: 22
Urugarth"Lying on the outskirts of Carn Dum is the fortress of Urugarth, home to countless Orcs, goblins, and other curs of Angmar... The breeding grounds of Angmar's horde."

LOTRO Wiki Description

"Lying on the outskirts of Carn Dum is the fortress of Urugarth, home to countless Orcs, goblins, and other curs of Angmar... The breeding grounds of Angmar's horde."

Urugarth is located south-east of Carn Dum. To get there, players must proceed west from Himbar along the road, or via a mountain pass from Torech-i-Bogbereth. After going through the Gate of Shadows, head south through a lot of elite orcs until reaching the gate on the east side of the road. Click here for more and bigger maps with filtering options