Mobs by Area: Tookland

Angry TuskerThe Shire Bree-fields, Tookland 
Big FrightThe Shire Tookland 
Biting ShrewThe Shire Bree-fields, Tookland 
Death-monger (Lieutenant of the Enemy)The Shire Tookland 
Dourhand Storm-keeper (Lieutenant of the Enemy)The Shire Tookland 
Esilia Took (Grocer), GrocerThe Shire Tookland 
Filzof (General of the Enemy)The Shire Tookland, Tuckborough 
FithrokhThe Shire Tookland 
Foraging ShrewThe Shire Green Hill Country, Tookland 
Hale Chief's ManThe Shire Tookland 
Hale Gramsfoot RagerThe Shire Tookland 
Hale Gramsfoot SpearThe Shire Tookland 
Hill TuskerThe Shire Green Hill Country, Tookland 
Mature Hill-bearThe Shire Bear Dens (Shire), Tookland 
Old SallyThe Shire Tookland 
Polo ProudfootThe Shire Tookland 
Small Hill-bearThe Shire Bear Dens (Shire), Tookland 
Snarling WolfThe Shire Bree-fields, Tookland, Wolf Den (The Shire) 
Stinging GnatsThe Shire Green Hill Country, Tookland 
Vengeful Spirit (Ally of Death-monger)The Shire Tookland 
Venom Blood-arrow (Lieutenant of the Enemy)The Shire Tookland 
Weak Gramsfoot RagerThe Shire Tookland 
Weak Gramsfoot SpearThe Shire Tookland 
Weak Gramsfoot WarriorThe Shire Tookland 
Wild Hill-toadThe Shire Frogmoors, Green Hill Country, Tookland 
Wild TuskerThe Shire Bree-fields, The Delving Fields, Tookland 
Willow-flyThe Shire The Great Willow, Tookland